Brief Information About Manifestation
A manifesto means a special document that can be used to demonstrate:
- Intention to perform any action;
- Point of view that expresses your position in relation to the selected topic;
- Look at certain things or phenomena.
Despite the examples above, your work can tell about everything, depending on your goals and the type of audience. The volume of the manifest does not restrict the author. The main task is to change the opinion of other people about yourself after reading or listening to the work. The realization of this goal will help to achieve an understanding of readers, as well as involve them in the process of solving assigned tasks or to agree with your opinion. It is important that the audience can experience different emotions while familiarizing themselves with your work. This range is very wide and directly depends on your main idea.
Excellent performance should include the following aspects.
- Relevance. The tasks of the manifest should correspond to the present and other various points.
- Realism. Fantasies are not the basis of the manifesto, while real and provocative phenomena are key.
- Motivation. The purpose of your work is to affect the reader’s feelings. You should describe exciting things and encourage your audience to start making changes and improvements.
After familiarizing yourself with the key details of writing a manifest, you can read the information regarding the workflow.
First of all, you need to go through the preparatory phase and think carefully about all the components of further work.
Before you start, pay attention to the following points
- Availability of the relevant issues. This moment is extremely important and influential because these questions can help you to highlight a specific area and describe the related phenomena.
Below we have indicated some possible options.
* What do you want to achieve throughout life?
* What is your main goal?
* What actions are you ready to resort to?
* What memory of yourself do you want to leave?
- Readers. Do not forget about your audience, on which the narrative style depends. When addressing a wide circle of society, use a simple language. If your manifesto will be presented in the scientific community, use an academic language with an abundance of various terms.
- Development of ideas. Pay attention to the thoughts that come to mind during the writing a manifest. Do not be self-critical and try to catch all the ideas that have arisen. You can make some notes.
- Conducting research. Your thoughts can be developed and improved after familiarizing yourself with the works of other people. Focus on the style of the author and the issues that he addresses in the storytelling process. Read as many manifestos as possible that relate to your area. Thanks to this, you can qualitatively substantiate your position. At the same time, do not forget to find out the works that have an opposite point of view and think about what arguments you can bring to object to them. You can use other types of literary works to expand your theoretical knowledge on a chosen topic.
- Creating a scheme. After the accumulation of various ideas in the implementation of which you are interested, proceed to write a manifesto. The first step will be a brief outline of your future work. Thanks to this, you can structure your thoughts and facilitate the workflow. Do not forget the logic of the narrative and the need for an introduction and a concluding part.
- A summary of your thoughts. Full and long sentences are not required. You can use Arabic numerals to highlight the main parts of the work, while Roman numbering can be used to give examples.
The Creation Process
When the preparatory process is complete, you can finally move on to the next step in writing your future manifest. We have put together some important guides to help you complete this task.
Introduce yourself to the reader
This paragraph contains a description of your thoughts, experiences, and perceptions of any phenomena. Thanks to this, you can become closer to the audience. However, do not turn the work into your autobiography and talk only about those aspects that are related to the manifestation. Another important detail is the need to maintain a connection between the described moments of life and the ideas that you will share later. Do not forget to emphasize your experience, which can create a good reputation. For instance, mention your career growth, school years or excerpts from any other areas. In the case of an artist’s manifestation, indicate your degree.
This part of the manifest should contain the following elements:
- In the beginning, you need to highlight the key point that you will reveal in the process of narration. It should embody your ideas and play the role of argument. Take this detail seriously, since the thesis statement is the starting point that combines all the thoughts of the author.
- This term means an idea that can be implemented. Thanks to precepts you can regulate your flow of thoughts. The introductory part should slightly open the curtain and provide the audience with information on the further development of events. Use small details that will help readers better immerse themselves in the atmosphere and familiarize themselves with the goals of the author. Performing this task can be difficult because the author needs to fit information on all his ideas in a few short sentences.
- Call for change. As indicated, first of all, you need to briefly outline your thoughts and ideas that can help solve certain problems. However, remember to give your audience a call to action. Emphasize that they have the opportunity to change the course of events. Moreover, very often in world history, manifestos marked the beginning of revolutionary processes. Although this form of writing is designed to perform different tasks, each manifest inclines to change.
- Use the dynamic verbs.
- Support your position with materials from reliable sources.
For instance, the phrase “Something is preventing us from living good” can be replaced by “Corruption is extremely dangerous for our society.”
Main Part
- Focus on the current issues and show how your ideas can help in solving.
- Describe your thoughts in detail.
You have already indicated your ideas. However, the preparatory phase is only a skeleton of work and writing a manifesto requires a detailed presentation of all your thoughts. Demonstrate why readers should be interested in your manifest. Good work with this aspect will help you provide the audience with answers to all your questions.
- Add subtitles for the long passages.
- Your story should be clear and understandable, while long descriptions of experiences and thoughts will be superfluous. Each part of the manifest should be meaningful and not separate from the whole narrative.
Final part
At the end of your work, you need to remind readers of all the key aspects that were discussed earlier. Reusing the thesis statement is also not prohibited. Moreover, it will help you to put more emphasis on it. This part is especially important because it contains the author’s final conclusions.
Editing and formatting work
You should re-read your manifesto several times before sending it to the world. Remember that all people tend to make mistakes and pay attention to all suspicious moments. You can also ask for another person’s opinion and ask for help with formatting and error correction. Then focus on the uniqueness of your work and emphasize the most special parts of the story.
In fact, there are no strict, well-established rules for writing a manifest. You can choose a language for short work, while long manifests have the following structure:
- The introductory part has a thesis.
- The main part provides an explanation of all key aspects.
- The conclusion contains a reformulated thesis and all other points.
Some additional recommendations
- Look for inspiration.
- Record every detail. Your work has to combine wisdom, tasks and the desire to act. You can take a piece of paper and write “I believe” and then think about ways to continue. Next, take another piece and write “I wish” and then describe how you would change the current state of things.
- Do not forget about the brevity and accuracy of the presentation of thoughts. You should ignore long and complex sentences. Using unfamiliar terms will not help you with your work, but rather will scare away the target audience.
- Describe your experience and why others should be interested in developing your ideas.
- Set yourself small goals and feel that the impossible is possible after the implementation of each of them.
- Use the draft version.
- Do not give up.
You can also see some of the famous manifestos below.
- Anthropophagic Manifesto;
- Kira Manifesto;
- National covenant;
- The manifesto on the liberty of the nobility;
- Manifesto on the secularization of monastic lands;
- Three-day Corvee Manifesto.
- Futurism Manifesto;
- Manifesto of Fascism.
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