Common Mistakes in Grammar to be Careful about in Writing
1. You’re vs. Your
Beginning with the basics is important. Notably, this is a mistake in grammar that students and academics should not be making while at the undergraduate educational level. Nevertheless, also some of the advanced writers of essays are remorseful of this error of grammar, only because they fail to go through their work again. The following is the difference between ‘you’re’ and ‘your’:
- You’re simply a shortened verse of the word you are
- Yours happens to be a possessive pronoun
If a person is ever having difficulties to choose the word to use between the two, lengthen the compressed you’re. For instance, ‘you’re a garden is lovely,’ is not correct since it implies you are a garden is lovely.
2. Their vs. There
This is an error in grammar that ought to have been cleared out at auxiliary school. The standard itself is usually seen, so this incident seems most normally as an error. There can be utilized from various perspectives: as a source of perspective to a place ‘we should go there,’ or as a pronoun ‘there is no way.’ ‘Their’ is a plural possessive pronoun, as in ‘their cakes’ or ‘their sentiments.’ In this way, in case you’re discussing more than one individual and something they have, utilize their unfailingly.
3. Tenses
Tenses are a typical grammatical mix-up in papers paying little mind to the dimension of study. When in doubt, in case you’re referencing a person’s feeling (who’s as yet alive) ensure you utilize the current state for example ‘Fleming says’ as opposed to ‘Fleming said,’ as the last make their perspectives sound increasingly dated.
A few students additionally will, in general, compose the prologue to their exposition later on tense for example ‘in this exposition I will… ‘ instead of ‘in this article, I am going to… ‘ which makes the paper sound progressively certain and self-assured.
4. Hypothetical Circumstances
While examining speculative circumstances, which you much of the time do when advancing hypotheses and sentiments in college expositions, dependably utilize the words were and would. Even though somewhat more progressed than our past precedents, this is as yet a typical misstep that could antagonistically influence the meaningfulness of your article. Beyonce and Gwen Stefani have done everything they can to enable us to recollect this essential guideline with their melodies ‘If I was a rich young lady’ – inaccurate, and ‘On the off chance that I was a kid’ – right.
5. Parallel Lists
For coherence, things in a rundown ought to dependably be in the parallel frame, which implies every section in the rundown is organized similarly. For instance:
- ‘He was content with his sprinting, shooting, and his spilling’ – Incorrect
- ‘He was content with his sprinting, shooting, and spilling’ – Correct
- He was content with his sprinting, his shooting, and his spilling – Correct
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