Sat Test: Ultimate Guidelines
SAT is a well-known test among students, and it is surely one of the most important tasks, which influences your future college admission. It is one of the most powerful instruments when entering college.
The main difficulty is that most of the students don’t have a clear plan of how to get a high SAT score and prefer leaving everything for the last minute. However, it is not so difficult to get a high score. If you follow our tips, you will create a solid plan for your future preparations and will manage to pass the test with confidence and ease.
SAT Definition
Scholastic Aptitude Test or Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) is a standardized test in the USA, which is compulsory for students, who want to enter American colleges or universities. This test is created to access skills and knowledge in different areas. For some specialties, you will also have to complete the SAT Subject Test, which is also called SAT I.
SAT takes place seven times per year in the USA and four times abroad for students, who want to study in America. This test is held in March, May, October and December worldwide plus in June, August, November in the USA. SAT’s organizer is the College Board, a private organization.
Should I Pass It?
SAT test is optional. You will need to pass it only if the college or university you want to enter requires you to complete it. If not, you can still pass it to show how strong your analytical and writing skills are.
In addition, these scores will show your strong sides in different areas, and you will be prepared for various college tests.
What the Task Is About?
Basically, SAT Essay is as simple, as a college assignment, where the tutor asks to analyze a piece of text. You will have fifty minutes to write the assignment.
A passage of around 700 words will be given, and you will need to provide a response. The main goal of this test is to show how well you are able to analyze the author’s arguments. Your aim is to analyze the writer’s reasoning, rhetorical tools and evidence in creating the argument and persuading the audience.
To save some time on the test day, you can get familiar with essay examples in advance. The task will be one for every test, and the only changeable thing is the reading you will have to analyze. Once you are able to understand the task, you will save time and will be able to provide a stronger essay.
Getting Ready for SAT
- Write down all of the things you should work on. Think about the subjects or topics, which you have problems with and work on them properly. Creating such lists is a great way to become more organized and to relieve stress levels;
- Keep in mind your strengths. If you devote yourself to completing the written assignment, it will be quite easy to forget all of the other skills you have. If you keep reminding yourself how intelligent you are, it will be much easier to remain confident during the test;
- Know what learner type you are. Some students find it easier to understand the task by reading it, while others should hear it first. Some of them need to imagine the assignment in their head. Think about the way you usually perceive information and use this method in your studies practice. If you usually learn using hearing, then listen to podcasts while you are driving. If you memorize information, when looking on the text – make index cards with words and pictures;
- Every day devote a minimum of 30 minutes for learning. Don’t postpone the process and never start learning a day before the test, as SAT requires at least two months of preparation. Surveys show that preparation in advance is much better than being in a hurry.
Outline of SAT Essay
1. Introduction, Paragraph 1
Restate the topic. Start with a statement or question, which will interest readers and motivate them to go on reading. This part should be grabbing attention from the first line.
Don’t forget to include a thesis statement. It should consist of a sentence, which renders the key idea of the whole text.
2. Support, Paragraph 2
Here you should provide a counterclaim of the first point. If your essay is of a compare-contrast type, you will need to insert the counter-argument at the beginning of each supporting paragraph.
– Thesis, Point 1
- Support (consists of an example, your own experience, quote or fact);
- Support (consists of an example, your own experience, quote or fact);
- Conclusion point.
3. Support, Paragraph 3
– Thesis, Point 2
- Support (consists of an example, your own experience, quote or fact);
- Support (consists of an example, your own experience, quote or fact);
- Conclusion point.
4. Support, Paragraph 4
– Thesis, Point 3
- Support (consists of an example, your own experience, quote or fact);
- Support (consists of an example, your own experience, quote or fact);
- Conclusion point.
5. Conclusion, Paragraph 5
In this section, you need to restate your thesis statement but using different words. At the end write a call-to-action and indicate plan or prognosis for the future.
Tips on Writing SAT Essay
- There is no need to ponder too long over a single question, especially if it is given in the science section, where the complexity of every question increases;
- Print out previous SAT exams or buy examples at educational departments of bookstores. You will detect your weak points in such a way;
- You will get an equal amount of points for any right answer to the test. That is why if you are stuck at one question, just skip it and continue answering. If you have enough time in the end, you can return to skipped questions;
- Stay calm, when completing the test. Of course, it is very important, but it is not worth your nerves;
- Take enough time to sleep well before the test. If you rest enough, you will have the energy to face any challenges the exam has in store;
- Exclude wrong answers at once not to be distracted by meaningless ones;
- Don’t forget to take several pencils, your ID, calculator and registration confirmation to the exam room;
- If you find the question very simple, most likely it really is. Try not to look for any trick;
- Practicing writing under real-exam conditions is a great plus. If possible, keep a record of time for every section;
- If you have some time, get back to check the answers;
- Learn how to cope with distractions. During the exam, you may be easily distracted by a ticking clock, conversations or even an air conditioner. Make a deep breath, concentrate on the paper and continue answering questions;
- Try not to change your opinion. In most of the cases the first answer is the correct one;
- Choose your own work pace, when answering questions at home. This will help you during a real SAT test;
- Ask your friends or family to give you some time and space to be able to prepare for the text in a calm and quiet atmosphere;
- Always have sharpened pencils nearby;
- Stay positive. Even if you give a wrong answer, it won’t cause an Armageddon.
Frequently Asked Questions
- How is it possible to detect my weak points and improve them, when I am getting ready for my SAT exam?
As it was already said, make sure you practice in advance. This will help you to detect your weaker sides and you will be able to work on them.
- Are we allowed to bring a calculator to a SAT exam?
SAT test consists of two parts: first when you are allowed to use a calculator and second when a calculator is prohibited. You need to consult to check, whether your own calculator is approved.
- It was mentioned not to study the night before the exam. Does it mean that I can’t even refresh knowledge?
It is important to remember that you won’t be able to memorize information better if you study the day or the night before an exam. Of course, you can read your notes on the subject that you are not good at but take enough sleep and proper rest to be fresh and energized on the day of the exam.
- What if I get ill on the test day?
You shouldn’t worry, because it is possible to reschedule the test and skip it. It won’t cost you a thing compared to taking the test in poor health.
- Is there a common answer to select?
Unfortunately, there are no patterns of selecting answers. You should simply learn well before completing the test and this will give you all the answers you need!