The Full Instruction for Writing a Position Paper
If you require to prepare a position paper, you should start with its definition. Be sure that no one can prepare a good text without the basic knowledge and skills about it. The best approach is to be highly equipped with advice, tips, and secrets which allow the author to become an expert in this field even if he or she doesn’t have the proper experience.
Just believe in your powers. If you really want to write a high-quality position paper, you can do it. So start with the basic principles of your text and keep improving its sections. If you already know about the position essay definition, don’t skip this part. You may get additional tips to make the paper better than you expected.
The Definition and Important Aspects of a Position Paper
In most cases people consider positions essays to be a report. This is a true and false statement at the same time. On the one hand, this text is similar to the report and explains things with details. But on the other hand, a position essay includes very special particularity. It means the writer as the other side of the discussion. Let’s make it clear.
Writing position paper means you should include own position in the text. This fact differs such a task from other academic and business essays, which do not allow the author sharing own feelings about a topic. Just remember that your point of view should be fair and relevant to the information you have previously described in the position paper. As a result, the combination of such elements will estimate a real treasure for your audience.
Here is another important particularity about this task. You can prepare it in different incidents, for instance, in the professional deliberation of global things or regional things. So such essays are very popular in political science, law, etc. It mostly provokes further discussion to make the essay a key to analysis and brainstorming.
The position paper may be written for different occasions. For instance, if you are going to take part in international conferences, students’ debates, etc. The author may be also asked to share the main statements or the whole text beforehand. It is okay and may be useful for the organization committee to plan the event program.
In general, you need to understand that your argumentative position is an essential part of the position paper. It is even called the way to highlight the importance of the author’s point of view. All he needs is to present own position with arguments and relevant evidence according to the topic.
The Process of Writing a Position Paper
If you know the main particularities of the position paper, no one and nothing can stop you from writing. But there are several important things you should know before the text will be done. It’s recommended to follow this step-by-step instruction for the best results with your writing.
How to Make a Position Paper:
- Get acquainted with the topic
Usually, authors get their titles beforehand, in rare situations they need to prepare a text for own topic. Right after you get your task you should read it several times. Make sure that each element is clear to you. If there is any misunderstanding with the topic meaning, you can fail the task.
If you want, you can hold research about your title to make the paper more expert. In case you have a wrong idea about the task there may be complications. So don’t ignore this stage and pay more time to understand your topic. Remember that the final impression from your paper depends on your understanding of task requirements.
- Make sure your topic has enough arguments
This stage is most important if you need to choose the topic on your own. If you get the list of options, the ability to value each one title and pick up the best will be very useful. Remember that different topics can mean different results. One may be more successful, and other less successful.
Read the list of topics and try to understand which one has extra points for your reputation and can create a contradiction to arise statements. If you pick up a topic that has one side then there would be no space for using controversial ideas. As a result, your paper cannot impress readers.
- Collect the pros and cons for both sides of the position
If you list advantages and disadvantages from several sides, you will be in a good position. It means you can pick up the best arguments and support own point of view. As a result, the position paper will look comprehensive and strong.
- Choose own position and write your statements
After you have explained all the important things about the topic, you can successfully choose own position. This approach allows the author to prepare the logic essay and not to get out of the topic. Just make sure you have enough arguments to explain own points of view.
- Find out what is the position of your audience
Sometimes it is vitally important to satisfy your readers or listeners. You can make a small research and find out what people think and how they may react to your conclusion. It is a simple task if you know your audience.
Besides, you may need additional tips that professional authors use. Among them is the following advice:
- Choose a tidy and nice design for the paper which will create the right impression of your position paper;
- Try to use simple and clear explanations, so you wouldn’t be in the center of misunderstanding;
- Make the paper structure logic and organized that means easy-to-understand text format;
- Add good citations and place reputable reference in the paper to support its trustworthy;
- Always check and proofread your position paper before finishing it.
It is quite simple rules for your position essay. But in a real-life such simple advice gives writers more abilities to impress the audience with awesome arguments in the paper. So keep writing your text according to all requirements and be sure of its quality.
The Best Structure for Position Paper
There are the most essential elements which should be in your position essay. Use all of them in the right order to perform the best text for your topic. Here are these parts:
1. Thesis
This is the first element you need to prepare for your position paper. Remember, that your thesis statements will determine the direction of the whole text. Make sure that your thesis sentences include the key idea of your paper and allow readers to understand the direction of your position.
2. The introduction
The aim of this part is to present the topic to the audience and grab people’s attention. If you miss the beginning, then your body may be not so precious. No matter the introduction is very short, but it means a lot for your paper. Also, place suspense in your introduction part. Such a small thing can provoke more attention to your paper.
3. The main part
You need to place here all your arguments and explain the topic from different sides. Finish this section with additional points to support your point of view, so the audience will feel more connected to you. Remember, that you shouldn’t hold a double position to the end. It’s better to start making accents in the middle of the body. Include your primary evidence there to prove your personal position and make good transition sentences for the conclusion.
Here are several important things about the paper structure. You should divide your body into paragraphs and prepare a clear formula for the position paper. Start each section with one sentence that creates a general impression from the bullet. This approach allows making the unique and exciting body of the position text. Remember, that evidence is the key to your body because these elements can prove your position to the audience.
4. The conclusion
Make the summary and share your final thoughts about your topic. This part should start with thesis statements that were created at the beginning of the position paper. Such writing methods help to remind the audience about your intentions with this task. Support your thesis with points from the paragraph, but do not repeat all the information.
In general, you can mention or dismiss other points of view except for your primary one. The end of the paper must contain your position and call to action for the research results implementation. Let everyone understand the value of your paper.
The paper will be finished with the citing references and making a final overview of the text. Make sure that the position paper is brilliant and doesn’t contain any misprint.
Position Paper Samples
If you are keen on writing position papers, then there is no need to seek additional help. But usually, new and experienced authors feel more confident if they have several text samples. The same is fair for a position paper. Don’t miss such a great source of information and free knowledge and read several examples before starting the writing process.
You can find good position papers on the Web. Just make sure these texts are new and relevant!
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